Thursday, November 02, 2006

Head Start on Dec

My presidency has been marked by a mad dash to make the "President's Message" shoot out quickly so the newsletter can be sent out before the next meeting. I'm trying to break that by getting a head start this month.

Had a couple of conversations with various people at Region Conference that centered around diversity. One person bemoaned the amount of "gray hair" that attends most of the Region & Institute events. I told her its most likely because its very expensive to travel & younger people have neither the time (away from families) or the money to do it. She wasn't buying. To her, CSI is an aging organization. I pointed out to her that I am Chapter President at 36 & our Board has several members around that same age.

Another presenter of 1 thing or another talked about the diversity in CSI membership & how the richness of our organization grows out of that diversity. We have many types of diversity at work - gender, age (old & young), race, backgrounds (education, trades, skills, areas of our country), type of work we do (design, engineering, building, sales) and religion (our chapter has Catholics, Protestants, Jews).

There's a President's Message there somewhere! I need to keep it down to one page this month!

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