Our president's leadership style is becoming more and more apparent. He's a hands-off, let-the-committees-run-the-chapter style of leader. Given his personality, this does not surprise me. It does, however, lead me to wonder if any significant progress will be made this year?
Our next board meeting is Thursday night. A longer post will undoubtedly follow that meeting. It will be interesting to see if our wayward 1st VP shows. Several of us in leadership are concerned about his ability to focus long enough to actually run the chapter for a year. We shall see. I have high hopes for the gentleman who follows; he's an architect after all!
The other thing that our president continues to be is very upfront and honest about his condition and treatment. An email this week asked all committee chairs to send in their committee reports as he would be away for a few days and then at hospital for treatment leading up to the meeting. Interesting times.