Clearly, I took a year off from this blog. I'll try to do better in 2009!
I'm actually in a slightly different leadership role - I'm mentoring the current chapter president, about to mentor the next chapter president (who was recently diagnosed with ALS) and I've accepted a position on the national Strategic Planning Task Team. Oh, and I'm also the Cubmaster for my sons Cub Scout Pack! I suspect much of what gets posted here will be about the pack, not as much about CSI!
I took over from a very nice lady whose youngest son bridged over to boy scouts. She was highly disorganized, but had been involved in scouting long enough where she just did things sort of on her own. Part of that was also due to the unruly personality of some of the other moms involved in the pack. Some of these are the same moms who have caused problems with my wife and with me to a certain extent through soccer, girl scouts and various other activities. I suspect I was picked because my oldest son is in scouting and I have a younger son, meaning stability in the job of cubmaster for a number of years - at least 8! Yikes!
Anyway, I've had very little instruction, but have attempted to seek training best I can. The biggest issue is the lack of parental involvement in the pack. That's my goal for this spring - get more parents involved. Right now, the pack is run essentially by 4 people - not enough! Especially when 2 of them will leave next year when their sons bridge to boy scouts. Once I have a larger committee, I can work on getting an assistant cubmaster!
I need to get my thoughts organized on where this post is going, so until then....